Beltrán J, Díaz-Raviña M, Díaz-Fierros F (2018) Soil Probers in Spain. En: Global Soil Probers. Cultural Language of the Soil, Yang JE, Kirkham MB, Lal R, Huber S (eds), pp 179-192. Geoecological Essays Catena Soil Science, Scheweizerbat Science Publishers, Stuttugart, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-510-65431-4
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GRUPO DE REFERENCIA COMPETITIVA DE CONSERVACIÓN Y MEJORA DE SISTEMAS AGROFORESTALES >Beltrán J, Díaz-Raviña M, Díaz-Fierros F (2018) Soil Probers in Spain. En: Global Soil Probers. Cultural Language of the Soil, Yang JE, Kirkham MB, Lal R, Huber S (eds), pp 179-192. Geoecological Essays Catena Soil Science, Scheweizerbat Science Publishers, Stuttugart, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-510-65431-4